Life Transitions

Life transitions require a broader perspective.  Here are some ideas to consider. Step out of the drama for a moment and imagine looking down on your situation to see the big picture. For the moment, let go of the frustration and overwhelm and take a couple of deep breaths. Now imagine observing your situation with a clear mind and ask yourself inquiring questions such as: What is missing here?  How can I look at this situation differently?  Where am I blind and not seeing the whole picture? What truly has meaning for me? Make lists of your concerns, evaluate priorities and most importantly acknowledge that you are going through a magor change. It is important to develop the ability to recognize when life transtions come knocking at your door.

You may have never gone through a life transtion like this before or you may have had a past experiences that will give you confidence to stay positive and face the changes that are necessary. In either case, slowing down and stepping back from the chaos to gain some new perspective will offer you better balance as you walk through the confusion into a satisfying new life!

Life coaching for women in life transitions is a valuable personal service that brings focus and clarity to challenging times. For more information step through the doorway of my website:

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